Our team of qualified and experienced staff knows that children learn to be strong and independent through positive relationships and in an enabling environment. We are dedicated to providing a solid and enjoyable learning forum in accordance with the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework.
We support children’s learning through planned and child-initiated activities and believe that it is important for adults to stimulate and develop their learning experience by getting involved in the play themselves.
Morning sessions begin with children having free play inside and outside, with adult-led activities offered. The small room is also used for group games, for drawing on the whiteboard or to do cooking or musical activities.
During this time, we offer a ‘rolling snack’ where children are able to choose when they would like to have their snack, so as not to interrupt their play. This is always a small group with an adult supervising. A variety of healthy snack options are offered along with milk or water.
At 11.00, the children help to tidy away the toys then join together for ‘circle time’, where we sing songs and rhymes, followed by musical PE.
They then split into older/younger groups for story time, show and tell and hall activities such as:
Obstacle courses & tunnels - Bats and balls - Parachute games - Big blocks - Bikes and other ride-on toys - Dance
Preparing for Primary School
Activities are planned to extend the individual child’s development and concentration, particularly focusing on pre-reading and pre-number skills. In the summer term children will visit their future school once or twice and we do encourage the local reception year teaching staff to visit pre-school to meet the children, read stories and lead activities. This has proved a very successful arrangement for helping children to settle easily when they start at primary school.