Dear parents,
Wow what a hot weekend that was! Please don’t forget to send your child in with suncream already applied so they can head straight to the garden if they want to before it gets super hot. We have lots of spare sunhats for the children to borrow. Please make sure everything is named and you have lots of spare clothes packed.
This week we will be doing lots more water play to keep cool and finishing our Father’s Day gifts.
Father’s Day brekkie
Our Father’s Day breakfast is this Friday from 8.30-9.30. Don’t forget to let us know if you can make it.
We are collecting any full bottles you may have for our bottle tombola at the family fun day on 1st July. Please bring anything you can, wine, shampoo, soft drinks, absolutely anything is great that’s in a bottle. Spread the word, it’s going to be a great way to celebrate 40 years of this fabulous village preschool. Past and present all welcome, we can’t wait!
Graduation day
Our preschool graduation will be on Monday 17th July at 2pm. Save the date! We can’t believe it’s nearly that time.
Gentle reminder
Please remember that pick up times are 3pmand 4pm (for those booked In). Staff have other commitments and need to leave promptly. We understand that things do occasionally happen and would appreciate a phone call if safe and possible to do so.
We will have to begin charging for late pick ups as per our policy if this continues to happen.
Thank you for your understanding.
Have a great week everybody