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Homes and houses


Dear parents,

This week we are looking at homes and houses. Who lives in a house? Who lives in a flat? We have a walk around the village planned to look at types of buildings such as the church and the thatched roof. Our story alongside this is The 3 little pigs and we have some lovely activities on offer for the children.

Focus sheets 

Please don’t forget to return your child’s focus week sheet when it is their turn. Working together is so important for us to ensure the very best early education for each and every child. Ofsted will be looking at this when we are inspected too!

Once your child’s focus week is over and they have had their write up done (via tapestry) we encourage you to book a time to chat with your child’s key person, (displayed in the foyer if you do not know), to discuss progress and next steps.

Family photographs

We only have five family photos so far for our home corner. We like to make the areas of learning as real as possible and the children are always asking questions about the pictures. Please do bring one in or email to me to print if you prefer. 

Forest school

This week we have our next forest session with Hannah. She will be looking at animal homes with the children. Don’t forget to send your child in waterproofs and wellies. We still have some for sale if you need any.

Date for your diaries 

On the 19th November, 2-4pm the village hall will be holding its annual combined Christmas fayre. Preschool will be having a stall so if you can help at all on the day please let us know. It would be great to see lots of you there. 

Snack donations 

Thank you to everybody who has taken items from our snack board to donate. We have had some amazing home bakes coming in too such as cheese straws and mini quiches. We love to offer a variety of snacks to the children so we are very grateful.

Term dates 

Don’t forget to check our term dates and inset days on our website and make a note of them. 

Have a lovely week everybody 

Leanne and team 

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